I have to admit that I completely agree with this bumper sticker. Today during orientation we toured around New Orleans in the Lower 9th Ward and some other areas that had been hit hard by Katrina. We also learned more about how the health care and education systems in New Orleans have been effected. I have to admit that it is pretty dang depressing. There is a huge shortage of doctors and many of the hospitals in the area were badly damaged and have not reopened. We heard a few stories today about people waiting in line for hours and hours just to get a bed in the hospital. To make matters worse the people who were telling us these stories have health insurance so I can't even imagine how hard it must be for all the people who don't have health insurance to get proper care. It frustrates me that we are spending so much money in Iraq when we have areas in our own country, like New Orleans, that are in desperate need of aid.
On a different note, we had some pretty amazing thunder storms this afternoon. It was absolutely pouring, but I love storms so it was great! We ran about 20 feet from the car to the building across the street and got as wet as you would get in about a half an hour outside in typical Seattle rain.
This picture was taken today in the Lower 9th Ward...but I just love the clouds. They're gorgeous!
I just saw a show on Oprah about two years after Katrina. I was newly exposed to the needs down there, and I was shocked. I can imagine it's depressing and hard, but I'm sure your work will be rewarding. Thanks for having the heart to be there!
Just found your blog- so glad. Blessings on your work there, the Lord has blessed you with a servant's heart. Look forward to the updates.
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